DeSantis Bans Chinese Citizens From Buying Florida Land With New Signed Bill

DeSantis Bans Chinese Citizens From Buying Florida Land With New Signed Bill

Late Monday, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed multiple bills, including SB264, SB846, and SB258, to prevent Chinese citizens from buying Florida land, a news release said. The Governor also noted how he had urged his state legislature in 2022 to build upon its efforts and take action against corporate espionage and higher education subterfuge carried out by the Chinese Community Party [CCP] and its agent. 

DeSantis’ move comes as state lawmakers have passed measures pointing at foreign countries of concern, such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela,

DeSantis Bans Chinese Citizens From Buying Florida Land With New Signed Bill

SB264, titled the Interests of Foreign Countries, will henceforth prevent “governmental entities from contracting with foreign countries and entities of concern and restricts conveyances of agricultural lands and other interests in real property to foreign principals,” which include the People’s Republic of China and other entities and individuals affiliated with the country. 

Fox Florida affiliate WTVT reported that the legislation will only permit Chinese Citizens with non-tourist visas to acquire single parcels that are smaller than 2 acres and at least 5 miles from military installations. 

DeSantis Bans Chinese Citizens From Buying Florida Land With New Signed Bill

SB864, titled Agreements with Foreign Entities, bans state colleges and universities from receiving gifts and participating in partnerships with foreign institutions of concern without authorization from the Florida Board of Governors or State Board of Education. SB 258 creates a list of prohibited foreign-owned apps, including those owned by China, citing cybersecurity and data privacy risks. 

The SB258 bill further mandates government and educational institutions to block access to such apps on state devices and allows employers to remotely remove them, such as TikTok.

DeSantis Bans Chinese Citizens From Buying Florida Land With New Signed Bill

Florida is taking action to stand against the United States’ greatest geopolitical threat, the Chinese Communist Party,” DeSantis said in a statement“I’m proud to sign this legislation to stop the purchase of our farmland and land near our military bases and critical infrastructure by Chinese agents, to stop sensitive digital data from being stored in China, and to stop CCP influence in our education system from grade school to grad school.

DeSantis concluded, ‘We are following through on our commitment to crack down on Communist China.

DeSantis Bans Chinese Citizens From Buying Florida Land With New Signed Bill

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