Avoid Visiting Florida, NAACP Urges Black And LGTBQ+ Travelers

Avoid Visiting Florida, NAACP Urges Black And LGTBQ+ Travelers

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The NAACP has issued a travel advisory for Florida, joining the League of United Latin American Citizens [LULAC] and Equality Florida in warning potential tourists that new laws and policies championed by Gov. Ron DeSantis and his lawmakers are “openly hostile towards African Americans, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people of color. 

The NAACP’s board of directors tells tourists that, before visiting Florida, they should understand that the state devalues and marginalizes the contributions of and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color. This comes as DeSantis’ administration rejected the College Board’s Advanced Placement African American Studies Course in January. 

Avoid Visiting Florida, NAACP Urges Black And LGTBQ+ Travelers

DeSantis and Republican lawmakers had also pressed with measures to ban state colleges from having programs on diversity, equity, and inclusion, including critical race theory, and also passed the STOP WOKE ACT, which restricts certain race-based conversations and analysis in schools and businesses. In its warning, LULAC cited a new law that prevents local governments from providing funds to organizations that issue identity cards to people illegally.

The law equally requires hospitals that accept Medicaid to include a citizenship question on forms. Critics have since said it’s intended to dissuade immigrants living in the U.S. illegally from seeking medical care. Lydia Medrano, LULAC VP for the Southeast region, said, ‘The actions taken by Governor DeSantis have created a shadow of fear within communities across the state.’ What contributed to Equality Florida’s warning included efforts to limit discussion on LGBTQ topics in schools. 

Avoid Visiting Florida, NAACP Urges Black And LGTBQ+ Travelers

Equality Florida also pointed out the removal of books with gay characters from libraries, a ban on gender-affirming care for minors, restrictions on abortion access, and a law permitting Floridians to carry concealed guns without a permit. “Taken in their totality, Florida’s slate of laws and policies targeting basic freedoms and rights pose a serious risk to the health and safety of those traveling to the state,” Equality Florida’s advisory said.